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This is a community running Takahē on my 2-bay NAS since 2022.

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Nice joke «The S in IoT stands for Security»

Host the server itself on something like Raspberry PI (~ $30 at home, and in case of a breakdown — have the same in reserve.

p.s. The disadvantage of such a solution is that you need to be a bit of a geek and you need to understand that if something breaks, only you can fix it yourself.

p.p.s. You can also look at commercial solutions like "Siemens Logo!", then replacing a failed device will be easier (albeit more expensive).

The simplest and most adequate is your own NodeRed smart home management server, which starts everything.
Next, Alice you connect to your server, you also add a UI to the server. NodeRed has it built-in, domotik has it too, others should have a UI too).
Then in everyday life you will be able to talk to your home, and when the cloud falls, you can get a smartphone and control all devices locally via the WEB or an application on your smartphone.

I'm starting a new chapter in my smart home, now zigbee2MQTT and no vendor lock

What should you know about the quality of water, even when it looks clean.

There is a nice article, WHAT IS GIT MADE OF
To prove this point I invite you to implement your own tiny Git that would be able to create a local repository, commit a single file to it, view commit logs and checkout a certain revision of that file. @zserge

A great way to get a PDF document from any site, you can delete elements from the page, only the important ones.

nostr - Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays

The simplest open protocol that is able to create a censorship-resistant global "social" network once and for all.
It doesn't rely on any trusted central server, hence it is resilient; it is based on cryptographic keys and signatures, so it is tamperproof; it does not rely on P2P techniques, and therefore it works.